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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Ice Dams Can Be Costly & Dangerous

2/24/2022 (Permalink)

Ice Dam If you have water damage in your home, we can certainly help with that. Contact us 24/7 365 days a year 708-532-3377 we are here to help!

Ice dams can be a common problem in the winter for houses that get regular snowfall.  The dams form when snow melts and runs down your roof and refreezes near the edge.  This happens when your roof wars to above 32 degrees F which is warm enough to melt the snow while the roof edge remains below freezing. 

The key to preventing ice dams is simply to keep your attic and roof cold. Here are some tips on doing that:

  1. Close up attic bypasses
  2. Add roof and sofit vents
  3. Check your attic insulation level and add more if you have less than 8 inches. 

If you do already have an ice dam and are unable to remove the snow from the roof, best way to get rid of it is to hire a roofing company to steam it off.

For more information and suggestions, check out this great article on Preventing Ice Dams

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